#SuppressionSession Gifts

Grateful to our TX Reps for fighting so hard to protect our democracy. Huge thank you to longtime FEDD Jennifer Owen for creating these fun #SuppressionSession gifts. And, thank you to the FEDDs who delivered them to our area state Reps: Karen Yates Muncy, Karen Zahaluk and Norma Arratia. Go, team!

Our mission is to increase voter turnout, create Dem community, and have fun doing it. But, we also hold all our elected officials accountable. We show up or contact them in opposition when warranted, and we praise them when we appreciate their efforts. We’re so proud of the Texas delegation in DC and fully support their efforts to get federal voting rights protection passed, no matter the sacrifice. We’re glad to be having fun sending praise and fun to our Dem heroes. It was a nice change from the protests, letters, calls, and emails we’re busy flooding our Republican elected officials with.

Donate to or volunteer for your Dem Representative if you can, while they are up in DC fighting the good fight!

Keep going, Texas Dems! Don’t mess with Texas voters!

PS: Check out the cool merch #TXDems launched for the occasion (click here).


FEDDs Monthly Meeting: Bail Reform/"Let Them Eat Cake" Panel Discussion (virtual) - Tuesday, 9/7/21


Calling all FEDDs VDRs!